Story of Mohammad Zobair, TVET Successful Case

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Story of Mohammad Zobair, TVET Successful Case

General Information

Project number

OSAA-016 (AFG118-22)

Short description of the project

Reintegration of most vulnerable children through provision of TVET and Employment Facilitation for 1600 people in Herat province


22 / June / 2023


Ansari VTC

Zobair's practical work in Herat univiersity
Zobair’s learning process in Ansari VTC- Herat Afghanistan – June 2023
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Mohammad Zobair


21 years old



Since when have you been working as an industrial Electricity?

When I was a child, I was interested in industrial electricity because my father was a peddler, and he bought household items that he then repaired and sold to the people. According to the big goals that I have in my life, I have tried to learn many things from others in the field of electricity until now. Sometimes I went to the bazaar and bought used iron and heaters, then repaired them myself. At the beginning of my work, I didn’t have advanced tools to repair electrical appliances. I used the most common tools until my vocational skills increased and I was hopeful for the future.         



How was the situation Before the Support?

I married when I was 20 years old and still residing with my parents in accordance with family traditions. After a year, my father advised me to start working and take charge of my living costs. Life became quite difficult for me after that point; I had no source of income and had to deal with financial issues every day. Unfortunately, my family issues prohibited me from pursuing my degree further. I used to start with what I had previously learnt for these reasons. I had to get in touch with one of my acquaintances and ask him to put me in touch with a business where I could train as an industrial electrician apprentice. Anyway, I kept trying until I discovered my dream job. I started off working for free, but after a month, I started receiving 100 AFN per week. With these 100 AFN, I had no idea how to live my life. I spent a lot of time studying electrical engineering after that and tried to master it professionally.


How did you use the assistance?

My younger brother was a street kid who worked as an egg vendor in the market. He once carried a card that had been given to him by the survey teams from the HELP and OSAA NGOs. After the beneficiary selection committee’s procedures, I was chosen by this group to be a trainee at Ansari VTC. I decided on this career and began my training since I was interested in industrial electricity.

Can you please describe your situation after the assistance?



My life transformed after I got help from this TVET project team because I was constantly focusing on transforming my life. I used to wonder occasionally whether it was conceivable for me to enroll as a trainee in industrial electrical at a professional training facility. I had the capacity, but I required assistance. I’m overjoyed to have realized my great dream. Since I’ve been at the Ansari Center, I’ve gained professional knowledge of industrial electricity and discovered more intriguing topics relating to general education, life skills and hygiene, small companies and counseling, and social services. These problems significantly altered my own skills. After years of work, I am very grateful to work for a tiny business where we are doing such great things.

We’d want to express our gratitude to the OSAA team and Help INGO for giving us all this chance. My family’s financial and emotional issues were resolved, and my life is now tranquil. In the future, I want to be a valuable and effective person for both my community and for myself.

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