Fakhruddin Nikmanish, TVET successful Case

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Fakhruddin Nikmanish, TVET successful Case

General Information

Project number

OSAA-016 (AFG118-22)

Short description of the project

Reintegration of most vulnerable children through the provision of TVET and Employment Facilitation for 1600 people in Herat province


25 / June / 2023


Ansari VTC

Fakhruddin Nikmanish teaches in class
Fakhruddin Nikmanish, works in his shop
Fakhruddin Nikmanish works in his shop


Fakhruddin Nikmanish


31 Years old



Since when have you been working in industrial electricity?

I’ve been employed in this industry for six years. I began it with a friend of mine who owned a store in Herat. Over the course of a year, I experimented and discovered how to do this.

Can you describe your situation before the assistance?

In 2020, I got married, and now I live with my parents. My father worked in agriculture. My father and I had to go to work so that I could make money. I was unable to finish my study because of my father’s advanced age and financial difficulties. I was constantly trying to find answers to the issues in my life. I started off in a little shop in Herat with one of my buddies. We fixed household wiring and equipment like lamps and juicers before selling them to the underprivileged folks who couldn’t afford the aforementioned new products. My hopes for my life have grown significantly as a result of this tiny project. Unfortunately, I had kidney problems for a long time and underwent two operations in Pakistan. I have to pay for my disease out of any income.

How did you use the assistance?

Economic problems, illness, and a lack of sufficient income made me worry, and I always thought about the future of my family. I really wanted to expand my activities in the field of house wiring. I passed the process of selection by the Help survey team during the implementation of the last AFG105 project of HELP INGO supported by UNICEF, then they called me, and I came to the Ansari center. I started my lessons in the home appliance vocation class at Ansari VTC.

Can you please describe your situation after the assistance?


I started my lessons with great motivation at Ansari VTC. I focused on learning scientific ways to change my future life. Before I started this vocation, I had some basic information about home appliances because I worked in this field for at least 2 years in Herat. Anyway, I learned professional issues from my teacher at Ansari center and improved my talent and interpersonal skills. During this training program, while we were studying, I made a group with some of my classmates, and we opened a home appliance shop in Injil district. Whatever we earned in this way, we used to spend on the development of our business plan in the future. My work progress gave me positive energy and made me more hopeful for the future.

After years of efforts, unfortunately, due to an electric spark, my shop was all burned and destroyed by fire. I lost all my financial assets that I had in my shop, but I never gave up and tried to find another way. I worked as a house wiring trainer in Islamic RELIFE organizations, Help INGO, and Afghan-Iran for a long time in Herat city. I decided to open another shop for myself until my friend called me and told me that the OSAA organization needed home appliance trainers and you could apply. Then I applied for this position, and after the practical and theoretical exams, I got the highest score, and OSAA introduced me as a home appliance trainer at Ansari VTC. So, maybe this was my great ambition to be a trainer at this biggest center. I’m very happy that I’ve achieved one of my goals. I am committed to studying, learning, sharing my knowledge, and making tangible changes in my life and the lives of the beneficiaries of the project. I am sure we will change the lives of the most poor families from darkness to brightness and a better future.

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