Date: 21st, Dec. 2020
Venue: Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center
The one-day tax training for employers was held on Taxation Law Training on Monday 21 Dec, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m. at OSAA Employment Service Center. This training was held upon request of fair employers cooperating with the Employment Services Center according to their needs in regards to tax laws in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the manner in which they were taxed, and the calculation of taxes. The training was held in coordination and cooperation with Herat department of finance within three days for finance officers of cooperating companies.
The topics of this program was presented by the Department of Revenues of Herat Department of Finance, Mr. Ghulam Reza Mukhtarzadeh-Tax Payer Service General Manager . In addition to interpretation of the legal provisions of the two tax laws, the major topics included: basic tax concepts, tax definition, basis of tax regulations, definitions, rules of calculation, Types of revenues, types of deductible and nondeductible expenses, amortization, operating losses, taxes and taxpayer’s rights and obligations were debated on the first day of the tax laws curriculum.
At the beginning of training, Mr. Farahd Esfazari EESC Officer, briefly explained about the EESC activities, services for employers and need assessment of marketable vocations in town and districts of Herat city. Then, Mr. Mukhtarzada started his presentation on the Tax and the process and the Tax payment procedure. A large number of big companies has participated in this training, that the bigger companies are listed as below:
After that participant asked their questions regarding the tax payment and EESC services for employers, so there were convincing answers for all the questions by Mr. Ghulam Reza Mokhtarzade and Farhad Esfazari.
We got some positive feedbacks from employers which most of the participants has certified that, this training was very useful and should be held with more detailed, in addition, we had a meeting with Mr. Ghulam Reza Mokhtar Zade Tax payer service General Manager after the training, due holding the next stage of taxation for employers. Thanks and appreciation to Tax department and Mr. Mukhtarzada for being cooperative, we will have one more session for the employers on the taxation procedure practically.
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