OSAA celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Date: Nov 24, 2022 Violence has been enacted by various international bodies. These usually begin with a proper definition of such violence as a means of combating such practices. The Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and[…..]
Preface: One of the important issues in society is to be aware of the rules, so it is necessary to hold training programs to increase information. Based on the need assessment of EESC team and upon request of dept. of labour and Social Affairs, held a two-day training session on labor law for employers in[…..]
Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan- OSAA participates in humanitarian act of surveying the vulnerable families in 15 city districts of Herat. This survey started on April 19th 2020 through Food and Equipment Bank with the shared initiative of private and public sector like: Provincial Council, Chamber of Commerce and Investment, Department of Labor and[…..]
Tuesday, June 05, 2018 Sixth TVET & Employment Round Table was organized by OSAA and Help INGO in coordination with Herat DoLSA in Women Economic and Services Cooperative hall on 05.June.2018. The heads and representatives of Herat DoLSA, National Union of Craftsmen, Agriculture Institute of Herat, Herat Council of Experts, Women Economic and Services Cooperative,[…..]