Date: 05st, Nov. 2020
Venue: Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center
The one-day training for employers was held on “Internal Field Guidelines for Work protection and work place Safety” on Monday 05 Nov, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m. at OSAA Employment Service Center. This training was held upon request of fair employers cooperating with the Employment Services Center according to their needs in regards to Work Place Safety of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the training was held in coordination and cooperation of Herat DoLSA department.
The topics of this program was presented by Mr.Barakatullah Hossainy Market Research and Data Base Maintenance Manager of DoLSA Department.
At the beginning of training, Mr. Farahd Esfazari EESC Officer, briefly explained about the EESC activities, services for employers and How the beneficiaries can work as intern for the companies. Then, Mr. Barakatulah Hossainy started his presentation on the “Internal Field Guidelines for Work protection and work place Safety” procedure. A large number of big companies has participated in this training, that the bigger companies are listed as below:
After that participant asked their questions regarding the work place Safety and EESC services for employers, so there were convincing answers for all the questions by Mr. Baraktullah Hossainy and Farhad Esfazari.
We got some positive feedbacks from employers which most of the participants has certified that, this training was very useful all the participants
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