On Wednesday, 12 August, 2020, Department of Labor and Social Affairs (DoLSA) with cooperation of Help INGO and Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan (OSAA) organized the 12th TEVT and Employment Round-Table in Women Empowerment and Social Association (WESA) Conference Room in Herat province. This roundtable meeting was held with the aim to receive “Opinions on Employment Statues after the COVID-19 Pandemic; the Challenges, Solutions & Lessons learned as well as the Impacts on Children’s Life”.
In this roundtable meeting, representatives from Govt. Dept. including Department of Labor and Social Affairs (DoLSA), Dept. of commerce and industry, Afghan Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries (AWCCI) as well as representatives from I/NGO and private sector i.e. Islamic World Relief Organization, Help INGO, AWEC, RSDO, GIZ, Council of Experts of Herat, DACAAR, CIAM, UNICEF, Global Partners (GP), Union Aid, IRW, Mercy Corps, IOM, IKRF, Danish Refugee Committee (DRC), WISE, Tolo-e- Dorokhshan Employment Organization, Afghan-Iran Vocational Training Center and Women’s Empowerment and Social Association (WESA) were attended the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting, Sohrab Faizy who was facilitating the meeting, welcomed the participants to the roundtable meeting. Mr. Abdul Sattar Zarif the head of Labor unit of DoLSA talked about the purpose of this roundtable and said: “It is very important to hold TVET and Employment Round-Tables with the presence of representatives from Govt. Dept. I/NGOs and private sector with the aim of providing opinions to improve TVET and Employment services as well as discussing the provision of protection services for extremely vulnerable children. This requires joint and sustained efforts of all the relevant agencies”
In the following, Ms. Anis Yosufi on behalf of OSAA, presented the activities in regards to Employment as well as provided a brief analysis of the employment situation in 2019 comparing to 2020, especially during the outbreak of the Corona Virus.
After the presentation, the participants (Govt. Dept., I/NGOs and private sector) discussed their opinions on the status of employment after the Covid-19 pandemic; the challenges, solutions and lessons learned as well as the impacts on the most vulnerable children life in four working groups, and then each group presented the results of their work separately to the other participants.
At the end of roundtable meeting, Mr. Zarifi concluded the topics of the meeting and said “It is great to see the joint efforts of the Govt. I/NGOs and private sector for the improvement of TVET and Employment services. We hope this will continue in the future as well”.
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