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Fusce pretium sapien elit, quis ullamcorper erat tempor ut.

Quisque accumsan lacinia augue at ultrices. Morbi sed hendrerit lacus, non laoreet felis. Maecenas fringilla facilisis odio hendrerit elementum. Aliquam vestibulum odio ac mi congue, a accumsan nibh lobortis. Curabitur suscipit lorem at viverra fermentum. Etiam posuere dictum orci, eu posuere eros interdum rhoncus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed venenatis, lorem aliquam ullamcorper mollis, massa turpis pellentesque eros, eget ornare mauris lorem vehicula ligula. Suspendisse vitae venenatis tortor. Ut auctor justo quis mauris accumsan tempus. Etiam at consectetur erat, porttitor fringilla nulla.

Praesent tempus vitae lorem non sagittis. Mauris lacinia justo libero. Suspendisse consectetur lorem nunc, quis mollis velit sagittis sit amet. Morbi id orci feugiat enim venenatis congue ac a est. Quisque gravida justo lorem, sed iaculis elit varius nec. Proin metus nisl, cursus quis placerat eget, adipiscing in mauris. Mauris sit amet augue ultricies, varius odio a, accumsan leo. Morbi interdum libero nec feugiat venenatis. Suspendisse ac eleifend urna, in euismod metus.

Ut placerat cursus ultricies. Pellentesque vulputate erat vitae varius eleifend. Praesent vehicula mollis ullamcorper.

Mauris ultrices, lacus ut mollis cursus, sapien nisi tristique eros, ullamcorper mattis ante dui eu dolor. Donec et augue erat. Pellentesque porta eros eu tortor tristique, in lacinia enim malesuada. Phasellus pretium nisi eu posuere sollicitudin. Praesent eget libero eros. Vestibulum pretium felis a nisi congue viverra. Quisque euismod accumsan nisi, sit amet tincidunt nunc posuere sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”

Section 1.10.32 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum”, written by Cicero in 45 BC

Donec commodo eros ut vestibulum viverra. Praesent blandit augue blandit quam pellentesque pharetra. Nulla ut nunc ut ipsum laoreet dictum. Duis tempor, urna quis vulputate tincidunt, augue erat eleifend libero, eget volutpat magna tortor tincidunt nulla. Suspendisse quis mollis est.

Vestibulum id justo eget nisi iaculis sagittis nec non justo. In vel nibh lorem.

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ITS AMAZING!! Proin facilisis varius nunc. Curabitur eros risus, ultrices et dui ut, luctus accumsan nibh. Fusce convallis sapien placerat tellus suscipit vehicula. Cras vitae diam ut justo elementum faucibus eget a diam.

Testimonial Rotator

Summary Report of the Second Round Graduation Ceremony

On September 19, 2023, Ansari VTC hosted the second round’s graduation ceremony for the TVET project. This ceremony was held with the participation of HELP Germany INGO, UNICEF, DoLSA, OSAA, the Union of Craftsmen, and other active NGOs in the TVET section. In the beginning, Mr. Wais Ahmad Hikmat, Program Manager of OSAA, welcomed all[…..]

Holding the Graduation Ceremony of 550 most vulnerable children from the OSAA vocational classes in Herat province

November 14, 2022 Ansari VTC, Herat, Afghanistan   The Graduation Ceremony of the 1st round of the HELP Germany TVET project was successfully held with the participation of the HELP Germany Country Director in Afghanistan, the OSAA organization Director, UNICEF and WFP representatives, DoLSA and DoEC directors  and guests from other active INGOs in Ansari[…..]

Holding The 2nd Inter-Community Dialogue on the Child Protection Structures’ experience Sharing in Herat province

The 2nd Inter-Community Dialogue on the Child Protection Structures’ experience Sharing in Herat province was held by the OSAA organization on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. The dialogue was held with the participation of HELP country director in Afghanistan, OSAA director, INGO and NNGO representatives, representatives of DOLSA, community elders, Arbabs, religious leaders, women activists, and[…..]

OSAA New TVET-Livelihood Project Beneficiary Selection Process start up meeting

Beneficiary Selection Process start up meeting  Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 Time: 10:00 – 11:15 am Venue: Employment and Entrepreneurship Services Center – EESC of OSAA OSSA organization held a coordination meeting to start the process of selecting the beneficiaries of the ‘reintegration of street children through vocational training and employment in Herat province’ project. The meeting[…..]

18th TVET and Employment Roundtable in Herat province

 Title: Reviewing the findings and suggestions of TVET and Employment Roundtables (Achievements, Challenges and Suggested Solutions)   Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 from 02:00 to 3:50 pm Venue: Conference Hall of Department of Labor and Social Affairs (DOLSA) in Herat Organizers: Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan – OSAA with cooperation of Help Germany Organization[…..]

Small Business Trainings in 2021

Holding Small business training for all beneficiaries of our projects is one of the major and advanced programs of OSAA. Therefore, OSAA considered some activities for small businesses trainings and has the responsibility of raising awareness on starting and running a business for 13 vocations in Ansari’s vocational center and other VTCs in Enjil, Koshk-e-Robat[…..]

17th TVET & Employment Roundtable in Herat

  On Wednesday, 24th Nov, 2021, Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan / OSAA with cooperation of Department of Labor and Social Affairs/DoLSA and Help INGO organized the 17th TVET and Employment Round-Table Meeting under the title of “The role and importance of TVET in creating jobs and economic growth in the country, recent changes, challenges and expectations of[…..]

Conducting Filling System Training for the Employers

Date:  Thursday, 08, Apr, 2021 Venue: OSAA EESC, Conference Room On date 8th April 2021, OSAA Origination with cooperation of DoLSA and Help INGO conducted the filing system training for employers and private Sectors in the OSAA EESC Conference room, Representatives of DoLSA and Deferent Companies, trade unions were attended to the training. At the[…..]

15th TVET & Employment Round-Table in Herat

On Thursday, 28th Feb, 2021, Department of Labor and Social Affairs/DoLSA with cooperation of Help INGO and Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan /OSAA organized the 15th TVET and Employment Round-Table Meeting under the title of “The 15th TVET and Employment Roundtable for sharing the findings of the Marketable Vocations Research in the West Zone”[…..]

Training on Taxation Law Training for Employers

Date: 21st, Dec. 2020 Venue: Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center The one-day tax training for employers was held on Taxation Law Training on Monday 21 Dec, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m. at OSAA Employment Service Center. This training was held upon request of fair employers cooperating with the Employment Services Center according to[…..]