overview of our completed projects
Theatre Production and Asylum Information Campaign
Narrative Report on the Project
“Theatre Production and Asylum Information Campaign”
Illegal immigration of Afghans to Europe, particularly to Germany, has been of deep concern to most European countries and the Afghan govt. over the last 5 years. Many Afghans were trapped by sheer propaganda and rumors that a better life was awaiting Afghans in Europe. As a result a remarkable number of Afghans – in particular from Herat – took hasty decisions without knowing the consequences. They sold out all their properties and left their homeland for Europe – illegally. On the way to Europe, besides financial losses, many were injured, killed, drowned or lost members of family – tragedies that could be avoided had they stayed home.
To reduce the number of immigrants and help Afghans make informed decisions, the Organization for Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan / OSAA – facilitated by Help – proposed and received a project from the German Foreign Office: “Theatre Production and Asylum Information Campaign on Risks of Emigration and Good Reasons to Stay in Afghanistan”. Under this project, OSAA reached out to more than 20,000 young potential asylum seekers. The main tool has been the 23 live theatre-performances, carried out at 10 high schools (male and female), 3 universities (Herat Public University and two private universities) – the districts of Karokh and Zendajan, 3 returnee settlements, the border town of Islam Qala and Arg Hotel in Herat City.
In addition, OSAA produced 8 TV-spots, a 6-episode series, and a song titled “I will never go” on the risks of emigration and good reasons to stay in Afghanistan. These TV spots were broadcasted in the prime-time of 5 local TV networks. Similarly, a documentary on immigration and its consequences was produced, portraying the life stories and challenges of 4 Herati families who have been to Europe and – following sad happenings there – had returned. The documentary shows promising opportunities and perspectives for Afghans to build their country.
The last major activity was the production and distribution of leaflets and brochures to potential asylum seekers. With these we informed young people on the chance to register for vocational training courses in Herat, learn a trade and find a job in the local market, with the support of OSAA and Help. 10,000 brochures and 10,000 leaflets were distributed in the areas where theatre live performances took place. 6,000 brochures were in Dari and 4.000 in Pashto. 1,000 notebooks portraying photos and mottos to stop illegal immigration were also handed out.
OSAA is proud to state that we over-performed and could achieve more and better results than budgeted and mandated by the donor. We also assisted the Herat DoIC and its Theater-Unit technically and financially. At the end of the project, we conducted a public closing-ceremony. Representatives of the Government, NGOs and local media attended and praised the project and its broad positive impact on the people and social coherence of Herat-Province.
Overall, the project had a great impact on the people living in Herat. Almost all residents of Herat city and districts have been covered and many young people could be convinced to stay and work for their country rather than venturing on the risky path of emigration.
In fact, more than 300 young women and men did register for vocational training course after attending a play + information event. They will start 6 months TVET in May 2017.
Please go to our YouTube channel for teasers/TV spots and TV series related to this project.
Source: OSAA Project Unit.
Promotion of Employment Services and Asylum and Job Information Campaign
Asylum and Job Information Campaign is a major component of OSAA-01 Project “Promotion of Employment Services and Asylum and Job Information Campaign” funded by Help International NGO.
This campaign that lasts 3-half days started in August, 2016 and will continue until November this year. 750 beneficiaries, particularly young able Afghans – potential asylum seekers, including males and females with different ages and backgrounds benefit from the campaign. In addition, 200 out 750 bens will be introduced to several employers, free training-courses and internship programs or will be assisted to form or upgrade working-groups in the fields that have skills.
The content of the program includes a PPT on accurate information, risks and few chances of asylum, new asylum-seeking rules and regulations in European countries and existing employment and education chances in Afghanistan. To further enrich the program, some guest-speakers who were in Europe are invited to share their experiences, real stories and lessons learnt to the bens. At the end, the bens have a field trip to Ansari Vocational Training Center to see vocational classes and get an idea of a marketable skill other than high school and university.
Since 25 July 2016, twelve rounds of the program have been implemented and around 640 bens benefited from this program. The 12 most successful cases/initiative groups were identified, introduced to different employers i.e. I/NGOs and bazaar or were assisted through provision of support-kits to restart their enterprise.