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3,100 Individuals Benefited from Emergency Medical Support in Herat Province

3,100 Individuals Benefited from Emergency Medical Support in Herat Province

On October 7, 2023, a devastating 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Herat Province, Afghanistan, causing extensive destruction and loss of life. This disaster particularly impacted vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, leaving them in dire need of medical and psychological support. In the aftermath, OSAA launched an emergency medical support project, funded by UN-Women, to address these urgent medical needs, reaching a total of 3,100 individuals, including 2,850 females and 250 males, over 3 months in Injil district.

The project provided a comprehensive array of services aimed at alleviating the suffering of those affected. A total of 400 women received psychosocial support (PSS), helping them cope with the trauma of the earthquake. Additionally, 75 women benefited from family counseling visits. For those requiring further medical attention, 25 women were referred to clinics for additional treatment. The project also included motivational sessions that engaged 450 individuals, fostering resilience in the community. Medical check-ups and necessary medications were provided to 200 individuals, ensuring that urgent health needs were met. Furthermore, 450 women received hygiene kits, while awareness sessions on personal environment and health reached 1,500 women and girls, equipping them with crucial knowledge about disease prevention and health management.

Nadia (pseudonym), one of the project beneficiaries, expressed her satisfaction with the emergency medical support project, sharing how it has positively impacted her life: “I was terrified and depressed after the earthquake happened. Thanks to OSAA, my psychosocial state is currently good, and I now really enjoy being in public, spending time with my family, and helping my mother with chores.” Nisar Ahmad (pseudonym), the head of Jalil Abad Village, also praised the organization’s efforts, stating: “OSAA addressed all medical needs in our village, providing care for both surgical patients and pregnant women. We hope they can extend their services to more communities in need.”

Through this timely intervention, OSAA, with the support of UN-Women, not only provided immediate relief but also laid the groundwork for long-term recovery and empowerment among vulnerable women and girls in Herat Province.

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